PUR Compassion Campaign

Funeral Costs for 6 families whose lives are forever changed from one horrible collision.
For: PUR International
Tishomingo, OK
Organizer: PUR International
Raised: $ 40,665 from 87 supporters
For: PUR International
Tishomingo, OK
Organizer: PUR International
Raised: $ 40,665 from 87 supporters
After losing Finn in an accident in November, even watching that scene made our stomachs turn. I just heard from my cousins in Tishomingo, OK… A mere 60 miles from where Footloose’s sad story was based on, a new, community changing, accident has happened.
Six local high school girls, around 16 years old, were on their way home from lunch and ended up colliding with a semi. None of them survived. It’s an incredibly heartbreaking accident. These families need our help!
This is an extremely fresh situation and lots of info hasn’t been released. Tishomingo is a small, rural Oklahoman town where everyone knows everyone and everyone cares about everyone. This is going to be hard. If you want additional info, just google Tishomingo.
My uncle, Bobby Waitman, is the superintendent in Tish. For now, we’re trying to raise enough money to cover the funeral costs for all of the families involved. It’s a lofty goal but we have a few people/families that have committed to matching funds. Having gone through this so recently, I know how important it is to be able to focus on the grieving. If we can give some dollars to help these families get some space to grieve, it’s money well spent. Just that time is life changing.
Please think about joining us. As usual, every dollar raised will be going directly to the families and split between them. This is just a start.
Thank you for sacrificing to help others!
“The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. I come to give life abundant!”
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