PUR International began with the Waitman family in 2016 with much of their mission “Do More, Be More” driving its cause. Ricky and Becca have had a heart for service ingrained in who they are, and in turn have always sought after ways to help people locally and abroad. The acronym of PUR was inspired by James 1:27 which states that “Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” This verse took on flesh in an entire new way because of the sudden loss of their close friend’s husband. As any day may have gone, yet ending in a way never imagined. Through witnessing the journey of grief and the help so desperately needed in trauma, PUR International was born.
This story, however, was far before November 21st, 2021, the day Ricky and Becca lost their youngest son, Finn. On a much anticipated road trip traveling to North Dakota, they were in a car accident that life-flighted both Finn and Ireland, one of their daughters, back to Denver, Colorado. Because of the brain trauma he experienced during the crash, he was not able to make a full recovery. Little did we all know the impact his passing would have in what became coined as #Finnsarmy. In the time immediately following, this simple, yet powerful hashtag became the voice behind the legacy of Finn and the heart the Waitman family has always had to serve. In essence, that is what #Finnsarmy exists for, to spur one another on towards meeting the many needs around us. To partner in this and hear more about their own personal story, visit finnsarmy.com.